I began the other day by thinking and jotting down some styles of animating and finishes using 3d software. I want to produce something that I haven’t done before and something that would be a big challenge so I can really push myself (and Mat) for our final project.
I also had a little think about what genre of animation I would like to produce.
My initial ideas for the style were; Black and White, Realism, a mix of 2D and 3D, Cell Shading, stereoscopic 3D,
After doing a little research on each I have decided to focus in more detail on 3 in particular. A Black and White style that I think will put a stronger emphasis on the storyline. Mixing both 2D and 3D, playing to both of our strengths. And a Cell Shaded render, as this can again play to both Mat’s and my strengths again, giving a hand drawn look and computer finish to the animation.
These are styles that have interested me and either I feel are strong and with the right storyline can really enhance the animation, or something that I don’t really know much about like Cell Shading in CG.
I didn’t decide to go with Realism, as it doesn’t really interest me, however I do know that there is a hell of a lot of skill involved to get it right.
Although I already have an idea of how to make a stereoscopic 3D animation I don’t feel that I could dedicate enough time to find an effective use for it within my story as opposed to it being just a gimmick.
I have no firm ideas on a storyline yet but want to try and create a story to suit each style. I’ll first research each and see what type of story best suits the style and try and bounce some ideas off that. Also send a copy to Mat and see if he has any feedback so we can play off each other’s responses to improve the ideas further.
Also need to start doing some sketches, haven’t put much pencil to paper yet. Hopefully I’ll upload some drawings in the coming weeks not just related to my storylines.