Saturday, 12 May 2012

3 Days to go!!


Well not long to go until our personal deadline...meaning not long until the real deadline...

I did have a major freak out the other day when it took a whole night to render a 5 second shot, basically meaning that we wouldn't have enough time to render the film. I did some severe pacing and sweating!! However the crisis was averted thanks to Mario. We managed to gain access to the native hard drives on the computers in room 15, giving me more than the allowed 1GB of space to store my 20GB of work.  I am now using the computers as my own little render farm. So far I have 11 shots rendering over this weekend, meaning most of the Rookie shots should be rendered come Monday. Only a 3 left to animate now and I'll be getting them on to render asap!!

It has been pretty much full speed ahead for the past week or so and both Mat and I have struggled with motivation recently. Luckily though we can try and motivate each other as we are still working together in our mini studio.

Mat is in the colouring stages and only had 1 or 2 more shots to animate (the crowd) and as predicted; it's pretty mind numbing for him. We did come up against a snag with Oldie's clothing, he was supposed to have stripes like a mime would wear but when they are drawn on they wiggle all over the place and take away from the great animation that Mat has done. This does make the colouring job a hell of a lot easier and a little less time consuming as he now has a plain grey top and looks just as good.

My computer also freaked out recently, it has happened twice now...I believe it's the graphics card but I still have to ring up Sony and get it checked out. But we can't be without for even a day, so it'll have to wait, we're just praying it'll hold out until deadline day!

Oh and we have also tweaked some textures recently as they were a little off, we both want everything to be as good as it can be, it is going to be shown to the public and possibly prospective employers after all.

I'll be updating on a daily basis from now on, as we are less than 2 weeks from hand in day and still so much to do!

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