Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Realtime UK and my Showreel

Sarah spoke to me recently about someone from the animation company Realtime UK, telling me that they would like to see the CGI work from our year at UCLan...luckily for me I am the only one who does CGI in our year! And coincidentally it's a company who I had previously researched and been interested in :D

The guy from Realtime has 2 interviews on waiting from Bolton to see my work, so I had to get my showreel together with Jud today and put it up online asap. A little added pressure there as he has put some interviews on hold, I just have to hope my work is better than theirs! Check it out vimeo.com/robertbeard/showreel

RealtimeUK started out in a small house in Lytham, but has now grown to a 25-strong comapny in a  purpose built studio. They produce a variety of work, from trailers and animations for game cinematics, including in-game animations, for games like Motorstorm, Split/Second and various Kinect games. To 'adventurous On-line Projects and Commercials' like the Warburtons Consumer Website. For which they were nominated and awarded the silver award for Best Use of Visual Design at the Roses Awards last year.
They focus entirely on CG animation and effects (which is why I am so interested in their work) and produce a lot of photorealistic renders for companies like Aston Martin , Audi and Lexus. I love the style of a lot of their work and I feel that through a company that has come so far in such a short period of time, I could really learn a lot and it would be a great foundation for my work. And after checking out their blog they look like a fantastic company to work for! With all sorts of crazy days out and what looks like a great buzz in the work place.

At the moment the only have senior and lead positions advertised on their website, however thanks to having lecturers with great contacts, I have found that they are looking to hire a recent graduate who shows potential...I just hope they see a whole bunch of that in me :)

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