Thursday 24 May 2012



We are copying our work onto disks as I type. We have been in uni longer than we expected today as we had to tweak the sound quite a bit more, we also added the sounds that we recorded last night and we are so pleased with the result and are both glad we have pulled some long hours to get this finished.

We did have a bit of a mishap with the sound earlier however, because we leveled it with the somputer speakers at full volume, the end result was too quiet when played on my laptop or other devices, so we had to raise the decibels of each sound file to increase the overall sound level...needless to say it took a bit of time but it really needed doing, we couldn't hand it in like that when we had the opportunity to improve it.

Only one night to go then we are done for good...gonna be weird not having to a project to do for a while, relaxing though! :p

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